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Saturday, September 15, 2012

Magnetic Spiders

I will admit that I am addicted to Pinterest, and I am constantly on there looking for new crafts and such. Since Autumn is my favorite time of the year, and Halloween is my favorite holiday, I have been browsing fall crafts. I came upon a craft for magnetic spiders. You can find that here. I know Halloween isn't until next month, but I couldn't wait to make these spiders! We recently had our back door replaced with a fire safe aluminum door. It's hard to hang my wreaths on, but it is magnetic!
So, off I set to find my plastic spider rings. It was difficult at first, since there were no Halloween decorations out yet, but this past week, the local stores have been setting up their Halloween Decor! As I was in Target yesterday morning, I thought I'd give the Halloween section a little look. I found some plastic spiders that were not rings (which made it easier for me for not having to cut the ring part off)! They were $3 for a 72 or 74 count. Then, I headed to Joann Fabrics to purchase some magnets. I found a roll of magnetic tape for $5. It was well more than I needed, but I can use it for other crafts! Here is what I did:

Supplies needed:

Plastic spiders (rings work, but you have to cut off the ring part)
Magnetic strips
Glue gun and glue sticks

Steps I took:

First I gathered all my supplies

 Then, I started to cut strips off the magnetic tape to fit the back of the spiders. I was able to cut each square in half into strips that fit perfectly!

I got my hot glue gun ready and started to glue the strips to the back of the spiders. 

(I apologize for the blurry photo...my photographer had a shaky hand)

I let the glue harden. 

Then, I had some fun on the refrigerator at work! I left the spiders up for my residents to see when they went into the fridge! They got a kick out of it!

Once I got home, I stuck them to my door.  Every day or every few days, I am going to reposition them.

 I can't wait to purchase more spiders to make more so I can stick them to my neighbor's door upstairs!!!! Hahahah!

Friday, August 31, 2012

Arts & Craft Project

Today, Abbey and I decided to do a fun arts & crafts project. She has a pad of floor paper, so I taped 4 sheets together and taped them to the floor. I didn't have painter's tape, so I just used regular tape. Then, I tried to get Abbey to lie down so I could trace her. She wasn't having it. 

 So, I stripped her down to her shirt and diaper and then squirted the paper with all the colors of paint we have. I am using washable paint, so I wasn't very worried about the floor becoming dirty or her shirt for that matter. 

 And then, I just let her do what she pleased. She was a bit apprehensive at first...

 But then she realized what was going on and started to really make a "mess"!

 She seemed to like scooting her little butt on the paint and paper. 

 She had fun walking, but it was so slippery that I needed to hold her steady so she didn't wipe out!

 And this is our finished project! I am not sure exactly what I am going to do with it. I am going to un-tape each page. I might hang one up in her room and add the rest to my collection of painting that I want to use as wrapping paper. 

This can be fun for babies and young children! I recommend nontoxic washable paint for those little ones (mine still likes to lick the paint and she is almost 2yrs old!)

Clean up was simple:
I brought Abbey straight to the bath tub and gave her a bath. Then, I put her in her crib so I could clean up the "mess". I un-taped the painting and brought it to my bedroom floor to have a flat place to dry. Plus, my bedroom is blocked off from the dog and Abbey during the day. Then, I just mopped up the area with my Swiffer Wet Jet and all was clean again!

Baby Blanket

I have just recently re-taught myself to crochet.  One of my friends from college is having a baby in October this year and has elected to not find out the sex of the baby.  So, I thought found a easy crochet pattern for a yellow baby blanket. You can find the pattern here at Red Heart Yarn. I couldn't find the "cornmeal" color yarn in the local stores, so I purchased 5 "Pale Yellow".

At first look, I was a little apprehensive, but reassured myself that it was labeled "Easy" and that I can do it. The "written" instructions were in fact easy to follow, but then I saw the "pattern" instructions:

Now, there were no written instructions for the pattern....or so I thought. It took me 45 min and many internet searches (which taught me nothing) to figure out ow to follow that pattern.  I finally realized that in the written instructions, it tells you how to do a "block" and a "space", and the "X" is for a "block" and the "space" is for a "space". Easy Peasy. 

Then, I needed a system to remember how to know which direction to follow the pattern, so I just counted my stitches and put an "arrow" for the direction the row was to be stitched. 

 I was so happy when I finally was able to see my first bunny!!! 

Now, I decided that repeating the design twice was too big for my liking, so I only have 3 rows of bunnies instead of 4 for my blanket. 

Once, I finished, I started the edging, which was easy to do. Just a simple shelling. 

And here is my finished blanket for my friend's baby! And I just found out that one of the colors of the nursery is yellow! How cool?! I am pretty proud of my first finished "big" project of crochet. Now I need to finish my daughter's blanket......which I will blog about! Please stay tuned!

I only used 3.5 of the 5 yarns I purchased. I plan on using the leftover yarn to make Rapunzel braids for my daughter's 2nd birthday party (Tangled Theme).

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Returning to Work

I have been home with my 19m old since February. It has been tough because I love to be able to be with her all day, but money became very tight, especially when I lost my unemployment claim case all because my former employer just doesn't want to pay Unemployment. (But that is for another day, another time, and another blog.)

After months of job seeking and having no luck, I became very depressed and insecure about my credentials. I have over 9 years of experience in the field of Human Services. I have an immaculate record at my old company, too. I applied to so many jobs in this field and received two call backs. One had hours I was not able to work (3rd shift), and the other seemed fishy. They said to come to orientation and then I would get interviewed. I think in this field, you need to conduct interviews first. I mean, you are hiring people to be care givers.

Last month, I swallowed my pride and contacted my old manager after I hear there was a part time position available at the group home I used to work at. Unfortunately, the hours didn't work. It is hard to work second shift with a baby. No daycare is open late enough, and all my family works. 

Last week, my old manager contacted me with a full time position he had available. I was desperate to have a job, so I told him I would try to make something work out for childcare for my daughter. Fortunately for me, someone I knew from the daycare was available to care for Abbey in my house on the three days I needed help. She had just quit the daycare and needed work. She accepted my pay incentive and has agreed to watch my baby girl. This was great! Not only could I return to work, but I also had someone to come to my home to watch Abbey. That was what we wanted, after our unpleasant experience at the daycare. 

It is hard to find someone to trust to come into your home and take care of your child these days. I know this young woman personally. I have worked along side of her at the daycare, and she loves my daughter. Tomorrow is her first day of watching my baby girl, and I am nervous. I am nervous not because I don't trust her, but because I hate being away from my baby girl and missing the things she does. 

Today was my first day of training.....yes I have to retake all the initial training even though I have only been gone from the company since October of 2011. Good thing though I don't need to take the certification classes because those are all still current (CPR, First Aid, Med Admin & PMT). Sitting in this training is so boring though. After being there for 9 years, I have great knowledge on the company, procedures, policies, and whatever else they tell us these first few weeks. I could probably teach these trainings! It is so hard to sit there and keep my mouth shut and just listen and learn...again.... BUT I am doing it. At least I get paid to be there. 

And at least I am able to be back there. I learned recently that they have stopped rehiring employees. I was such a good egg that the Executive Director made an exception. I am a core person at the home I used to work at. You can refer to me as the "house mom". HAHA! No seriously. I am so grateful to be able to go back to my home away from home and my family. Thank you so much for giving me that chance. 

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Working Families and Childcare

I need to find something to help supplement our income. I was offered a full time position back at the group home, which I would like to accept, however, daycares close an hour before I would be out on two of the days. Trying to find childcare is tough when you don't work the traditional 9-5 day. (I don't think 9-5 is all traditional anymore anyways) My Hubby works until 8p, which causes more dilemmas! 

Plus, most times, daycare costs are half or more of your weekly pay. 

I was checking out a site called Care.com, which lists child care facilities, providers, nannies and babysitters. They include a background check, too. But you have to pay before you can contact anyone or get more information on them. A lot of the people on here charge a lot, too. I don't see the point of working if most of your earnings go to childcare. It doesn't work out financially. 

There needs to be more options available for working families with non-traditional working hours who also do not have family/friends who are home to watch their child(ren). 

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

A Rant....

When I worked at the daycare, during my first weeks, I changed a diaper that contained bright green poop. This caused concern for me, so I brought it up with the director. She brushed it off as the kid was just eating junky food and blamed the parents. (This lady is so ignorant on most subjects, but acts like she knows everything. I have a strong dislike for her due to a situation that has happened, but that is another story all together.) I was still concerned and wrote a note home to the parents about it. 

In my experience (working in a group home for 9+ yrs), poop color can mean many things, especially sickness. I have never come across bright green poop until the daycare though. 

Since last night, my 1 1/2 yr old has been under the weather. She's been feverish and zero to low appetite. I just changed her diaper and came across this same bright green poop. Now, I know I don't feed her junk. So, I did a search and found out that Bright Green Poop has to do with not eating enough and the green color is the bile. Has absolutely nothing to do with eating junk. Just another thing to make my blood boil about this lady. How can someone so ignorant on things like this own and run a daycare facility?! 

On a good note, green poop is not a cause for concern, and I should keep trying to get my baby girl to eat. 

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Life Changes Can Be a Good Thing

Just 5 years ago, who would have thought that I would be willing to pass on a night out with the girls to stay home babysitting my friends' daughter with my own daughter? Definitely not me. 

I was that person. The person who needed to be out partying every weekend with my closest friends. Drinks in hand, we would close the bar. We would have dance parties on the walk home from the bar and dance some more once we got home. I was the person that got everyone to go out. Those were the days. Not a care in the world except fun times. 

Not so much anymore.

Now my weekends consist of crocheting and grocery shopping. Ha! Who would've thought. My dance parties involve me playing Just Dance on the Wii with my 18m old watching me. My drink in hand is water now. 

I have to say that I am not upset with my new lifestyle. I actually love it. I wouldn't change it in the world. Occasionally, I do have a night out with the girls, but I am just as happy staying home with my girl. My wild and crazy days are not over, there is just a new wild and crazy. 

Last night was my friend's bachelorette party. Due to financial woes, I had to pass on going. It was at the casino and that meant a lot of money. I had to reluctantly pass. My friend was actually ok with that....gave her a babysitter. My first time having a sleepover with a 3 yr old and my 18m old. I thought it was going to be tough. I was all by myself because last night was the stag for the groom and my husband was there doing best man duties. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, and I actually think that if we decide to have another child after Abbey is 3yrs old, I think I would be able to handle it.