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Sunday, April 29, 2012

A Visit to the Dog Park

Today, I took Nurbie to the dog park in Southbury, CT, which we visit often when the weather is permitting. It was crowded there. We haven't been there on a weekend in almost a year. We usually go during the week. Today there were two other miniature Schnauzers there and one schnauzer mix. There was also a black and white husky there that looked just like my friend's husky, Brady, who is Nurbie's girlfriend. So, Nurbie was happy to play with this husky. It was funny because he just followed her around like the little puppy dog he is. It reminded me of how he was when he was a puppy and would follow Brady everywhere. 

Nurbie also played in the river, which he will do on occasion if tricked into it. He ran in the water and splashed about. It was great seeing him have fun. He hasn't acted this way at the park in a long time. I am thinking his Lyme's disease really hampered his good time while at the dog park in the past. 

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Finding Work....

I have to admit that I love being able to stay at home with my daughter. I love the fact that I get to watch her learn and grow every day and that I am not missing out on anything. Unfortunately, money is too tight and I need to return to the work force. I've been having problems finding the right job. I have a lot of experience in the Human Services field (9 years), but I am limited to what schedule I can work due to my husband's schedule and daycare. Most jobs in the Human Services field are 2nd shift, and my husband gets out after daycares close. I also have a gap in my work experience, which I think is inhibiting my appeal to potential employers. 
Last night, one of the administrators from my last job suggested that I add "Stay at Home Mother" to my work experience on my resume. Why didn't I think of that??!?! It closes that gap and it shows that I wasn't just sitting on my butt the past few months. Raising a Toddler is hard work. And when you add in all the other household duties I do, that's a full time job! 
Thankfully, the position I always wished my old company had is probably in the works of being made. And I am a strong candidate for it. I mean, one of the people I would be working under refers to me as his "protege". 
I am going to keep a positive outlook on this potential opportunity, and I am going to feel so much better now when I apply to jobs and I include my "Stay at Home Mom" experience! 

Friday, April 27, 2012

My Mom's Mango Salsa

Today I had the pleasure of recreating my mom's recipe for mango salsa. I loved it when she made it when Abbey and I were visiting her in FL in March this year. I'm having friends over tonight, so I thought this would be a light and refreshing tasty treat. 
mangos, cilantro, red onion, jalapeno, and salt.

First I chopped up the mango. I used 2 mangos. I put it in a bowl.

Then, I chopped up the red onion and added it to the bowl.

Then, I chopped up the small jalapeno and added it to the bowl.

Finally, I chopped up the cilantro and added that to the bowl. I used a lot because I love cilantro.

Then, I added salt to taste and mixed it all together in the bowl. This is my finished product:

I can't wait to dig into it tonight!! I might have to remake this for our Cinco de Mayo party next weekend!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Fun Craft for the Whole Family

I had recently seen on Pinterest.com a fun painting/art piece. It was a handprint of each of the user's children in a frame on the wall with their names. Having only one child, I thought how can we do this project in a fun way that whole the family can enjoy. Why not put all of our prints on one paper and hang it on the wall. Abbey had received a pad of drawing paper from Easter and it was big enough for all our prints. (By all I mean me, my husband, Abbey and our dog Nurbie.) I even had an old frame that was big enough to hold the paper. 
I then gathered some materials. I used paper plates and spread a thin-ish layer of washable paint onto it; one for me, my husband and Nurbie to dip our hands in. We each chose a color to use. Then, I used a paint brush to brush paint onto Abbey's hands. My husband helped Abbey with her handprints, since she is still too young to understand what to do. Then, I helped Nurbie with his paw prints. Then, the husband and I did our prints.

Once it was dried, I trimmed the paper to fit the frame and then we hung it in our living room. It is a fun piece of art that we made all on our own. 

This is a great way to have a family fun day/night craft with your little ones. 

Gnomeo & Juliet

A few months ago, I decided to watch the movie "Gnomeo & Juliet" with my daughter, who at the time was just over a year old. I had heard about the movie through my little brother and mother the previous year, and it was finally on Netflix. (we gave up cable when my LO was born to save money)
So, I turned it on for me and my LO to watch, and now we watch it every day at least once a day. It has become her favorite movie. I have to admit that the movie is very cute, and I would recommend it to everyone to watch.
My LO has become obsessed with the Elton John song "Crocodile Rock" because of this movie. When she first wakes up in the morning, she starts singing the chorus (in her own way of course!). She has to have it playing on the Iphone constantly by her side. Good thing for me, she likes the whole soundtrack, and I can get variety with the songs, but they are all Elton John. It's a good thing I like his music, or I think I would go crazy! 

(I tried to upload a video of her dancing to the song, but for some reason my videos have gotten ruined while downloading into my computer!)